Privacy Policy and cookies

Last updated on July 16, 2023

Personal Data Protection Policy

National Soccer Player Union Next, herein as “NSPU” emphasizes in the importance of the protection of personal data (i.e. information relating to an identified or identifiable person, directly or indirectly). The purpose of this policy is to explain how we collect, use and share the personal data of members and/or players. The (the “Members” or “you”) as well as the protection measures implemented in accordance with the applicable regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). We apply this policy to all data processing in our capacity as data controller (i.e. we are responsible for your data and decide why and how your data is used). We are available to answer any questions or requests you may have regarding the use of your data (see paragraph 9 “How to contact us?”)

  1. What types of data do we process?
  2. We collect and process the following categories of data for the purposes described in paragraph 3 below

    • Civil status and contact details
    • First and last name, date of birth, city and country of birth, gender, personal and professional postal and electronic addresses, personal telephone numbers (i) of the Member, (ii) of the legal guardians of the minor Member and (iii) of the beneficiaries of insurance in the event of the Member's death (passing)

    • Career data & images right
    • Full background, current and past contracts, positions held, current club and history of previous clubs, professional and sporting qualifications, remuneration, contributions, bonuses. Portrait and official photos, photographs and videos taken from matches, interviews or sporting or other events, whether or not organized by the NSPU Next.

    • Sports data
    • Performances, participations, records, accolades, statistics, qualifications, performance analysis data, health and injuries

    • NSPU Next Membership
    • Date of membership, payment history and correspondence

    • Associative commitments
    • Details relating to associative commitments, role, sponsorship mission

    • Pictures
    • Portrait and official photos, photographs and videos taken from matches, interviews or sporting or other events, whether or not organized by the NSPU Next

    • Social networks
    • Contact details and identifiers of social networks
      It is possible that we process data belonging to so-called “special” categories of personal data, including for example data revealing racial or ethnic origin, trade union membership or data concerning health. If we obtain this data, we process it only if the applicable law and a legal basis allow us to do so. For example, we may need to process such sensitive data when you have given your explicit consent to do so, when it is necessary for the exercise of a legal right or when you have obviously made this data public.

  3. How do we collect your data?
  4. We will only obtain your personal data when you join the NSPU Next (including through the online or paper membership form) or when you interact with us. We are also required to collect your data from third parties, in particular the clubs for which you play and the federations and associations with which you are licensed, as well as from sponsors and sources accessible to the public (in particular the press and social networks) social. If you choose not to provide your personal data, it is possible that this may prevent us from processing your application (yo lo quitaria por que se entiende que no se prodria procesar)for membership or from providing you with certain of our services.

  5. Why do we process your data?
  6. We are required to process your personal data for the purposes described below

    Management of membership and monitoring of the relationship with Members and persons responsible for minor Members.

    Processing of membership and renewal requests

    • Follow-up of memberships
    • Communication about NSPU Next events and offers

    Provision of our representation services
    • Provision of our services to members, in particular with regard to representation in the negotiation of contracts and collective agreements
    • Provision of legal aid, including in the context of litigation or disciplinary proceedings
    • Assistance with career development

    Exploitation of the image and the name of the players
    • The edition, reproduction or use of the image and name of professional or not professional players playing in North America

    Legal and regulatory obligations
    • Compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations

  7. On what legal basis is the processing of your data based?
  8. The GDPR provides several legal bases authorizing the processing of personal data. We process your personal data on the legal bases described below. In some cases, several legal bases may apply to the same processing.

    Legal basis

    The processing is necessary for the execution of the contract which binds us or for the signing of this contract

    Execution or negotiation of a contract

    The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of NSPU Next, unless your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms override it.

    Our legitimate interests include in particular:

    • Fulfillment of our mission as a professional syndicate
    • The provision of our representation services to our Members and the defense of their interests
    • Our internal organization and the management of our files and registers
    • Compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations
    • Our defense in the event of a dispute

    Legal obligations

    The processing is necessary for a legal obligation to which we are subject In certain specific cases, we will seek your consent to the processing of your data. You can withdraw your consent at any time, it being specified that this withdrawal does not invalidate the processing based on your previously given consent. In this case, it is possible that we will continue to process your data if another legal basis is applicable.

  9. With whom do we share your data?
  10. We share your personal data with the categories of third parties listed below. However, we never sell your personal data to third parties and we will contact you in the event that a third party to whom we have shared your data wishes to market it.

    NSPU Next Affiliates

    Sport Media Management LLC,NSPU Play, NSPU Next, NSPU APP, Adidas, Nike, Puma, SQ, Sports Reconversion in order to complete the services we offer to our Members

    Organizations related to professional football

    MLS,FIFA and his members, federations, clubs and leagues, sponsors, financial partners in order to accomplish our missions of representing the interests of Members

    Service providers

    Insurance company, banks, lawyers, accountants, notaries, IT service providers for the purposes of internal management of the NSPU Next as well as to fulfill our missions of representing the interests of Members

    Communication partners

    The media and the press in order to give visibility to professional players

    Commercial Partners

    Companies producing "merchandizing" around professional players or creating video games related to Soccer in order to give visibility to professional players

  11. How do we manage international transfers of your data?
  12. When your personal data is transferred abroad, outside the United States, Canada and Mexico, we ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place to ensure a level of protection at least equal to that established by the GDPR. In particular, if your data is transferred to a country that does not offer adequate protection under the criteria of the GDPR, we will implement appropriate measures, in particular the conclusion of an agreement containing standard contractual clauses approved by FIFA in order to carry out the transfer and to ensure the protection of your data.

    We are at your disposal to answer any questions about the transfer of your data and the guarantees implemented and to obtain a copy of the standard contractual clauses (see paragraph 9 “How to contact us?”).

  13. How long do we keep your data?
  14. We keep your personal data for a limited period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes described in paragraph 3 above. Generally speaking, we retain your personal data for the duration of your NSPU Next membership and for five years thereafter, except where regulations require us to retain your personal data for longer or where we need to retain your data within the legal actions in progress or likely to occur.

    We take technical and organizational security measures against data breaches, i.e. the accidental or unlawful alteration or destruction of data or unauthorized access to this data.

  15. What are your rights in relation to your personal data?
  16. You have the following rights in relation to your personal data. We are at your disposal to answer any questions about your rights and for the effective exercise of these (see paragraph 9 “How to contact us?”).


    You have the right to request confirmation that data concerning you is being processed and to request access to this data


    You have the right to ask us to rectify or complete, as soon as possible, the data concerning you

    Erasure (“right to be forgotten”)

    In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to delete data concerning you, in particular when the data is no longer necessary in view of the purposes for which it was collected.

    Restriction of processing

    In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your data, in particular when we are considering another request from you (for example a request for rectification)


    In certain circumstances, you have the right to request to receive your data and that we transmit your data to another entity.


    In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to the processing of your data, for example where the processing is based on our legitimate interests which you object to because of your particular situation.


    You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority such as FIFA if you believe that your rights have not been respected or that the NSPU Next has not acted in accordance with the applicable regulations.

  17. How to contact us?
  18. If you have a question about the protection of your personal data or about your rights, do not hesitate to contact us at the address below. You can also contact us to exercise each of your rights.


[Protection of personal data]


MIAMI, FL 33181

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